
tynnu tua'r diwedd || And now the end is near

Pa ffordd well na thrulio'r dwrnod cyfan olaf ar y trath ei? Odd hi braidd yn fwll bore ma, ond dodd dim arall da ni i wneud heddi ac on ni'n benderfynnol o fynd i'r trath o leiaf UNWAITH ar ein taith, felly bant a ni yn y bws. Wedi i ni gyrradd, dath yr haul a phipo'i ben bach mas i weud helo, a fuodd hi'n braf ac yn dwym nes bod ni'n gadel trath Santa Monica.

Odd y mor braidd yn ryff ond odd rhaid mynd mewn i'r sPacific. Odd Lli yn fwy sensibl na fi, a nath hi ddim cwpmo ac o ganlyniad dod a hanner y trath nol da hi i'r gwesty fel wnes i!!

So fory ni off gytre, a ma nhaith anturiaethol i yn America yn dod i ben brin 13 mis wedi iddo fe ddecher. Ma hi wedi bod yn antur enbyd yn wir a wy rili di joio. Fel wy wedi addo yn fy Unoldaleithflog fi'n mynd i sgwennu crynodeb o'n amser i mas ma (wy wedi dechre a gweud y gwir ond ma fe ar y cyfrifiadur sy'n gwrthod gwitho ar hyn o bryd, grrr), so cadwch lygad mas. Tan fory, os bydd unrhywbeth da ni i weud.......

So we spent our final whole day in the states on the beach, what better way is there?! It was a little overcast this morning, but we went anyway as we didn't have anything else to do. So we set off on the bus, and just after we lay down on the beach, the sun started peeking its little face out and soon enough it was bright and warm and sunny.

The surf was amazing on the beach, and quite frankly a little disturbing, but we ventured in to the Pacific nevertheless. I fell a few times, but Lli kept back a bit (sensibly), and therefore didn't carry half of Santa Monica beach back to the hotel with her (!!), like I did.

So tomorrow we're off home, and my adventure in the US has come to an end roughly 13 months after it started, and my has it been an adventure. I'll be sure to write a little article or something to round out the year and I'll post it here, or somewhere I'm sure! We might blog tomorrow, since we'll be needing to waste time at LAX before flying, so keep your eyes peeled (if you care that is!!)

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