
Houston, we don't have a problem

Wedi cyrraedd Houston erbyn hyn yn ddidrafferth. Odd hi'n gan gradd Fahrenheit erbyn i ni barcio wrth y gwesty - twym!! Ta beth, dy'n ni ddim wedi blogio cyment ag on i ishe, ond ma ny, fel wedes i ddoe, achos ein bod ni'n joio cyment a ddim ishe gwastraffu amser ar y we!

Odd New Orleans yn bopeth a mwy on ni'n dishgwl. Awyrgylch wych, jazz ymhobman, diodydd o bob math yn rhad a bwyd blasus iawn...gan gynnwys Aligator (sy'n flasus iawn gyda llaw!). Neithiwr gethon ni noson yn Pat O'Briens ar Bourbon Street. Na lle gethon ni'r aligator. Gath Gwenllïan ei IDo am y tro cynta na so gafodd hi ddim ifed, ond dodd hi ddimyn teimlo 100% ta beth, so dodd dim ots! Ta beth, ges i ddau hurricane (y drinc nodweddiadol na - blasus iawn iawn.)

Ni off i Johnson Space Center fory cyn mynd mlaen i Austin i weld Cynthia a wedyn ymlaen i Denver i ddal y trên. Ni'n joio mas draw, hyd yn oed pan i bod hi mor dwym ein bod ni ffili anadlu!

Digywddiad y dydd (ddoe): Sioned yn symud rownd y ford er mwyn i'r fenyw dynnu llun yn Pat O'Briens ac yn sarnu'r Hurricane odd y waitress newydd ddod a iddi dros y llawr i gyd! Typical Sioned. Nath y gwydr ddim torri though, amazingly!


Arrived in Houston without any problems. It was over a hundred degrees by the time we got to the hotel (see picture above). We haven't blogged as much as we'd like, but it's because we've been enjoying ourselves waaaaaay too much!!

So New Orleans was something awesome. Way too humid and hot, but amazing food, drink and atmosphere. Pat O'Briens was the only place to ID Lli so far, and so I was the only one to officially get a Hurricane. De-lic-ious-ly alcoholic! Anyhooo, when the lady came around offering to take ou picture. We thought it would be a lovely souvenir. So when Sioned moved around the table to get closer to Gwenllïan to take a better picture, lo and behold the nearly full Hurricane glass was knocked to the floor via the Caesar salad. The glass wasn't broken but the drink was all over the floor! The picture was taken and bought and a new hurricane was brought free of charge, and so all was right in the world again!

So that was our last night in New Orleans and we're now off to Houston, we'll blog when we get there!

ciao for now

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